Are Greg Zadrozny or David Irlanda active or dormant members in the L. Lin Wood ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult? Evidence is mounting.
L. Lin Wood is an ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult Leader who pretends to be Jesus Reincarnate
(hashtag) L. Lin Wood ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult Member alert.
Time to expose the members of the L. Lin Wood ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult. They belong in prison for crimes against humanity.
Are either Greg Zadrozny or David Irlanda members in the L. Lin Wood ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult? The members of the L. Lin Wood ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult try and murder people by telling them to underdose Ivermectin. Did either Greg Zadrozny or David Irlanda make the company poster and logo for danny from dirtroaddiscussion? ( ) or L. Lin Wood. What is the relationship between these 4 individuals together? How long have they worked together? When did they come up with the idea? Do either of them make memes or posters or any other anti-trump political material that is used on the internet? Is the work of Greg Zadrozny or David Irlanda intentionally used by L. Lin Wood or his associates? Do they all work together with L. Lin Wood and his associates to make up materials to spread fake narratives around the internet? Do they understand that international Bioterrorism investigations are serious matters and an Interpol RED Notice will follow them all over the globe?
Interpol Cybercrimes division will be interested in learning the details of these questions. There is an active bioterrorism investigation going on. Connecting dots. What is the connection of David Irlanda to an active Interpol cybercrime bioterrorism investigation? Time will tell.
This is just a temporary page to collect thoughts. Nothing on it should be considered anything except what it says.
Check the Instagram page of the company MELT for more information Belongs to the partner of David Irlanda. Greg Zadrozny. Company page
They do voice-overs, and posters, and make memes with political messaging for trolls to spread around the internet. Just the kind of stuff L. Lin Wood uses. Greg Zadrozny and Lin wood are in the ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Death Cult together apparently. How many of the memes and other materials spread by L. Lin Wood and his ANTIFA associates are created by Greg Zadrozny or David Irlanda? Seems that someone thinks there might be a connection and is investigating it all. I heard there even might be an Interpol Cyber Crimes division investigation for BIOTERRORISM, so lying about any of this is not a good idea. Crazy story. Will post more.
David’s personal website where email communications and chats were conducted.
File Number: 0803803738
Filing State: Texas (TX)
Filing Status: In Existence
Filing Date: October 21, 2020
Company Age: 1 Year 8 Months
Registered Agent: David Irlanda
2211 Terradyne Dr
Pflugerville, TX 78660
Principal Address:
2211 Terradyne Dr
Pflugerville, TX 78660-5041
Governing Agency: Texas Secretary of State
Company Contacts
2211 Terradyne Dr
Pflugerville, TX 78660
80 Aberdeen St
Brooklyn, NY 11207
(Are these the Marketing offices where they make the stuff for L. Lin Wood? Do they make voice-overs, and posters, and make memes with political messaging for L. Lin Wood trolls to spread around the internet at these offices? Was studio-cherry-llc created just for this purpose? He is an ANTIFA Communist Doomsday Bioterrorist Cult Leader. Should be investigated by Interpol Cyber Crimes division)
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Me waiting for
and L. #LinWood to disavow each other and deny that they are #ANTIFA #Communists who work together on #PSYOP campaigns that discredit Q-ANON and #MAGA #botfarm #botfarms #Qanons #Prepper #PrepperTalk #SHTF